Consulting Services

If you are just getting into Rife technology and/or alternative health, I feel your pain. I remember how confusing everything was back when I first started getting into it and  I had a degree in Electrical Engineering. The good news is that you don’t have to go it alone. This website was founded primarily to answer questions I saw over and over again on various Facebook Groups as new people started to learn about this amazing technology. You will find many of your answers here. There are also numerous Facebook Groups you can join to ask questions. The only problem with that is that you may get a lot of conflicting advise from people biases in favor of a particular machine. At GuruHQ we do not have any personal or financial ties to any vendor. Our goal is to be as unbiased as humanly possible.

If you need someone to help you understand the Rife or help you make a decision on which machine(s) might fit your needs the best we are now offering individual, personal consulting services via phone, Skype, Facetime, etc.  We are offering a special limited time discount to help you get started today. Don’t waste time trying to sort all of this out when you could be taking advantage of this amazing technology to start healing.

Limited Time Special

One on one personal consulting on Rife and related topics

45 Min Session   Regularly $100 Available for a limited time for only $75

     25 Min Session   Regularly $50 Available for a limited time for only $39.95

To schedule an appointment or for more information complete the form below or email us at


[Note: We are not medical doctors. We do not diagnose medical illnesses, offer medical advice or prescribe any medical treatment. Please consult your doctor before starting any course of therapy.]

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