Detoxing to Improve Health and Prevent Herxing from Rife Sessions

Man made toxins are everywhere

Man Made Toxins are Everywhere

Detoxing is mandatory because we live in a very toxic world. We are surrounded by heavy metals, pesticides and a host of other man made chemicals. When these toxins are absorbed into the body from the environment or ingested with our food and medicines they can interfere with normal body functions and lead to all manor of problems and auto immune diseases. Hulda Clark in her book, The Cure for All Diseases said that every disease she had studied had an environmental toxin as one of the root causes.  It is critical that we avoid exposure to these toxins as much as possible and that we have a good Detoxing program in place to eliminate them from the body.

Detoxing to Reduce the Herx Effect

It is especially important to have a good  detoxing program in place when taking medications or using Rife or other therapies that are intended to kill microbes. When these foreign microbes die they leave behind their dead remains plus toxins they may have contained and potentially smaller microbes that were living off of them. This sudden rise in toxicity levels can overwhelm the body and result in a variety of flu like symptoms, fever, chills, headaches, muscle aces, low blood pressure, anxiety,  flushing and even skin lesions.  This is called the Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction or Herx for short.

Herx symptoms can range from mild to severe.  In the vast majority of cases it is not fatal but it can sometimes make you wish you were dead.  In extreme cases it can lead to toxic shock and even death but that is highly unlikely unless you are already very ill and grossly over do the treatment.  Symptoms usually occur within a few hours but may take up to two to three days to appear.

The severity of the Herx reaction is dependent on a number of things but one of the most important is the level of  the preexisting toxicity in the body and the condition of the body’s waste elimination systems.  This all starts with the Lymph system.

Importance of the Lymph System

The lymph system is like the sewer system of the body. It collect toxins and waste and delivers them to the kidney and liver which are like the sewage treatment plants. If the sewer system (lymph) is clogged there is no way for the body to get rid the toxins so they build up in the body. When this happens you get a more severe Herx effect. If the treatment plants (liver and kidneys) are backed up there is no place for the toxins to go.  The body can sense when the kidneys and liver are overloaded. When this happens the body will curtail its efforts to remove toxin since there is no place for them to go.

The lymph system is comparable to the circulatory system in length but it  doesn’t have a pump, like the heart,  to move the toxins through the system. It relies instead on gravity and the up/down motion of walking to pump the fluid from the body into the circulatory system just up stream from the liver and kidneys so they can remove and dispose of the toxins. There are a multitude of tiny one way check valves in the system. These tiny check valves allow the lymph fluid to flow in the desired direction of travel but shut off to keep it from flowing back. Every step or up/down motion inches the lymph fluid along on to its eventual destination in the kidneys and the liver.

Techniques for Detoxing

Anything that simulates walking like bouncing on a rebounder or standing on a whole body shaker will help flush the lymph system. There are certain massage techniques that help move the lymph fluid through the body. Dry brushing the body in certain patterns will also help move the lymph fluid.  We will be posting articles on these techniques in the future but for now there are a number of good YouTube videos on these topics.
Before you start trying to flush the lymph system you need to make sure there is somewhere for the toxins to go. This can be accomplished via a series of herbal cleanses designed to flush out the colon, kidneys and liver in that order.  We plan on publishing more information on cleanses but for now Hulda Clark has published her recommended cleanses in her book,  The Cure for All Diseases.  Coffee enemas are also important to help cleanse the liver and colon.

Detoxing via the Skin

The skin is the largest organ in the body.  It also plays a vital role in the detox process.  Anything that can be done to pull toxins out via the skin reduces the load on the lymph system, kidneys and liver by providing  an alternate path for toxins to leave the body. Saunas, clay packs and ionic foot baths help by pulling toxins out. They are very effective in helping the body detox via the skin.  These will be topics for future posts.
Cleaning up the body and helping it flush the toxins quicker will help reduce the Herx effects and improve the body’s overall health.

[Note: We are not medical doctors. We do not diagnose medical illnesses or prescribe any medical treatment. Please consult your doctor before starting any course of therapy.]

1 Comment

  • […] 2) When the pathogen dies it can release a number of toxins which can cause illness if the body is not able to eliminate them quickly enough. This is called the Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction or Herx for short. Herx reactions are not unique to Rife. They can also be caused by antibiotics or anything else that causes a rapid die off of pathogens.   It can be very uncomfortable, even deadly. So, you have to be careful not to go too fast with killing things and have a good detox process or you can do more harm than good, particularly with people suffering from cancer or Lyme. For more information on the importance of detoxing when using a Rife machine see: Detoxing to Reduce Herz […]